The Remember GPS? Speaker Series
Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in China: The biopolitical engineering of a nation through technologies of security and fear
Wednesday, May 3 | 4:15-5:30 PM | E403 |
Dr. Alessandra Cappelletti from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University will come to share how the ideas of Foucault, such as biopolitics, influence her work on pandemic management in China. Former GPS students, mentored by Dr. Taoyu Yang, will introduce her work, remind participants about the GPS readings on Foucault, and highlight potential links between these readings and Dr. Cappelletti's research.
Experience Shanghai!
Organized by the students from the Experience Studio course
May 4-13 | Shanghai City |
RSVP by Thursday, May 4 for limited spots!
As part of Creativity & Innovation Week, join us for a series of experiences to explore Shanghai’s rich cultural history. From a sunset bike ride along the Huangpu to swing dancing in the Former French Concession, come for a taste of a local experience and leave with a deeper connection to the city you live in!
Opening Party for Creative Learning Spaces
Thursday, May 4 | 4:30-6 PM | N509 |
Join the exhibition opening party for Creative Learning Spaces! Students were invited to share creative learning environments that are transformative to their learning experiences in the form of photos. As we celebrate their photography work, join us for a prize ceremony, hear the stories behind these photos, listen to comments from the faculty judges, and enjoy some delicious snacks!
Sounds of Nature in Shanghai Showcase
Hosted by NYU Shanghai Reads
Friday, May 5 | 12:30-1:30 PM | E203 |
The sounds of nature can be calming and restorative. In The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, Elisabeth Tova Bailey finds comfort and companionship through an illness by listening to her snail as it eats. Inspired by this theme in the book, NYU Shanghai community members traveled to Gongqing Forest Park to record the sounds of nature and edit them into narrative soundscapes. In this showcase, participants will present their final sound files to the NYU Shanghai community. Food will be provided!
Exhibition Opening Party | Shaping the Future of Aging
Friday, May 5 | 1-4 PM | 4th Floor Lounge, East Building
Join us for an exhibition featuring students' work from Experience Studio--Shaping the Future of Aging, curated by Professor Yanyue Yuan and Deziree Harmon. During this course, students explored challenges facing the elderly population by visiting three sites, including Yangjing Memory Cafe, Ling Shi'er Community Garden, and Rainbow Harbour Care Home. Students collected life stories through field trips and created three pieces based on the field trips and their own research. Light snacks will be provided!